The boys just prepared the end of the butcher game in a big way

Spoilers for this week’s episode of The Boys AND for The Boys comic books below! The final episode of Amazon Prime was nominated for an Emmy boys It offered a key scene to viewers, one that sets up the final game for the entire series. In the final episode, The Butcher and Queen Maeve together share a drunkenness in the boys’ office, as Karl Urban’s character drops a major part of the dialogue that shows where the show is headed, and fans of the Garth Ennis & Darick Robertson comic series probably won’t be surprised by that trend.

When Maeve was talking to Butcher about her use of Temporary Complex V, she made the remark she thought she He hates Homelander, realizing at that moment how much the butcher despises him. To this butcher comments on Temp V and how easy it is to remove the gunpowder. “She must have felt so good,” Maeve says, prompting Butcher to respond, “I hated every second…the V made me more…”. This leads to a major revelation, then Boucher adds:

“With great strength comes the absolute certainty that you will turn into something right. I mean, that’s the thing, isn’t it? You are all just people. All that V does is lift whatever is already inside. What have you? You are just a bunch of walking Nuclear erection. You know? And not just Homelander, I mean, you have to go all out.”

This is a butcher in a weakened state, who has put his entire long plan on the table, everyone must die before they are satisfied, something that mirrors the comic book version of The Butcher to a T. As comic readers know all too well, once Butcher completes his mission to kill the Homelander, There are still many issues left in the series, so where did the story go from there? He went after everyone else in the world who had a V in their system, thinking it would likely prevent anyone in the future from happening again. The real tragedy is that this leads to him killing allies and friends, including trying to eliminate every other member of The Boys and eventually killing himself.

The boys seem to set the stage for this to happen at the end of the series as well, not just in terms of Butcher’s plan but Homelander’s inevitable slide into utter frenzy. The series’ creator, Eric Kripke, revealed a lot in a recent interview, telling WGA Articles:

“You can basically trace the series’ meta-mythology as Homelander’s slow meltdown. So the writers know — and Anthony [Starrr] A big part of that is too—that eventually, when the streak reaches its climax, this guy is going to be a complete sociopath, and he needs to be stopped before some kind of horrific event occurs. That’s what we’re building towards.”

The first five episodes of boys Season 3 is now streaming on Prime Video. New episodes are scheduled to be released every Friday with only three episodes left.



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